Client References

What Others Say About Us?

It is always heartening to receive compliments, awards and accolades. They give invaluable feedback and is a form of encouragement:)

An ever glowing testimony of our commitment and services...

Here are sample of some of the compliments received. We do not often update this page, but instead new compliments will be added into our random dynamic " What others say about us? " script.

Consultation Services

"Thank you very much for the care shown in doing my house audit. After your consultation, there's lot of opportunities coming to me. I therefore take this opportunity to thank you from the bottom of me and my family's heart for all your good work, care and concern shown in auditing my house."
-- Chew Siew Peng

" I am totally impressed with your command of Feng Shui and the way you guided us in our renovations. Your services is truly impeccable! We have moved in for over a year now.. and this short note is to Thank you for changing our fortune! Thank you, Thank you a Thousand Times Over!"
-- Madam Serene Low, Upper Bukit Timah Road

" Thank you for your valuable guidance in explaining our Ba Zi, house layout and Feng Shui. We like to compliment you on your professionalism and we felt great knowing that we're in very capable hands."
-- Helen Wee, The Tropica Condominium

" Cecil, Thanks for helping us turnaround from our poor business. Me and my partners are indebted to you. Now, I am making money and laughing to the Bank! Cheers!!! "
-- KC Tan, MD, Commercial Industries

" My name is Daniel and i'm 17 years old. I live in New Zealand, located in the Southern Hemisphere. Today life is worth a million dollars. Yesterday it was only worth 2 cents. I can list a million things to tell you what feng shui has done to me in the last few weeks.... The information in the site is VERY VERY ACCURATE. without this site i think feng shui would die out because people won't trust it anymore. Best of luck to everyone. And make sure you apply whatever it is correctly and always monitor the changes because the little things can be disasterous. Thank you for the effort you guys are doing to making this world a better place."
-- Dan, New Zealand

" I read about some exceptional experience with Feng Shui, I have my fair share of unpleasant experience with the so called Feng Shui expert , who visited my apartment and advice of various changes. To be fair with him, there were some improvement in my family life particularly my wife and son. The main problem with the expert is the unwillingness to share his knowledge , not even to paying customer ! When the consultation period was over, it is even more difficult to extract anymore Feng Shui knowledge from him. I have paid quite a few hundreds and all I get are instructions without explanation. I have no idea which "house" I belong, what is my "bai zi" , where are the good direction etc. I have read a few books by Lillian Too on DIY feng shui but I am always doubtful whether it is the right interpretation and whether I have applied correctly. Having found this site was a blessing because now I can have someone to guide me along. Please keep up the great work. "
-- Ang Jen

Feng Shui Reports

" I have been going thru my chart in your new revised 4 Pillars section which I must say is extraordinarily excellent. "
-- Glyn Hezakiah

Dear Cecil,  " I contacted Robert and you initially in November last year, having gone through an 18month period of never ending bad luck. I also had an arm injury, which would not heal after a year. Absolutely nothing would go right for me, not even the simplest most trivial thing. I then found that finances were a problem. As recommended I completed a Flying Star report, and a Pillars of Destiny Report, and followed all the recommendation and cures. I also received allot of advice from your Free Advise service, and read all the previous messages for tips. I am delighted to report that the string of bad luck has now been broken, and I have gone back to normal, which is brilliant. I can't thank you both enough. Finances are also satisfactory, so I can now work hard and strive to achieve greater things. I will always remember your kindness, it was most encouraging. I will try to use your example, and help other people when they are in need and maybe I can do something to help. Many thanks. "
-- Liz Cooper

"Dear Cecil & Robert, Your home plus self is probably the best and most practical way for me to apply Feng Shui to my home and for my family! My luck has changed and now I am able to finally take control of my life! Many, Many Thanks! "
-- Brian Weiss, Miami

" Thank you for your reply. With the Pillars report I think I have most everything I need. Thank you again for your time. This has been a really great tool and service you provide. I found the 24 directions and elements very helpful. Your advice in using the compass and a 360 degree protractor was again very helpful, with the 24 directions and compass I found a problem area and cleared it up, seemed to improve my whole quality of life. Thanks again "
-- Jeff

" I also wish to tell you that thanks to your web free help, the quality of my life (and other members' of my family) has greatly improved! Congratulations on the great service! "
-- Tatjana Dunatov

"Anyway we appreciate much your help and your web site which is not generalist but personalised. We have read a lot about feng shui but most of them are "generalist". For exemple: You have to have a tank with 9 fishes". They don't try to see if you are weak fire or weak wood for example. "
-- Muriel Saban

Our Courses

" Hi Robert and Cecil, Your course is excellent! Although i knew most of the material from previous readings, you made a lot of things a lot clear to me, thanks to the good illustrations,namely the good and bad water positions. In this case, a Picture tells it all! "
-- Paulo Mendes

" I learn more from your course than many books combine together.  "
-- K C Tan

Our Support

"Thank you very much for your prompt reply to my requests. Your website is excellent! Congratulations!"
-- Alejandro Loo, M.D.

"Thank you for your quick response... Thank you very much for your excellent help."
-- Best Regards, Elda Pacheco

"Thank you very much for your response.... Thank you again, you are a tremendous help."
-- Kelly Roberts, Wed, 13 Mar 2002

"Nothing comes close to your support and commitment! Thanks for all your advice!"
-- Robin Truly

" Yes, I have equipped more better understanding after your detailed advise. "
-- Clifford Ong

" Thank you very much for your reply. Appreciate it very much. Will introduce your website to my friends. "
-- Grace Chan

Our Resources

" Thank you very very much for your very prompt reply. I am so addicted to your site now that I spend around 2-3 hrs daily on it, catching up on the conferences. It is extremely useful for someone wanting to learn Feng Shui. Just a month ago I had paid an exorbitant amount to learn 8 mansions from a teacher from Malaysia. But the knowledge that I have gathered from your site in the past one month is definitely many times more useful, especially more so since I get my doubts cleared by your team when required and promptly too. Thank you once again for this truly unbelievable site. "
-- Sarita Surendra Mor

" Compliments for the improvement of your site. It is great!!!!! "
-- Maria & Alex Johnson

" I truly enjoyed your website and support! Thank you for making it happen! Cheers!" -- Joseph Tan

" I accidentally found your site.. AND I LOVE IT! Truly marvellous!  That is all I can say! "
-- Janet Goldman

" By far, I think your website is the most "scientific" of all fengshui websites, not like the others that keep telling you to buy wealth toads, good luck gods, mandarin ducks etc which sound pretty ridiculous because I can't imagine how those items can change your life. I told my friends who are interested in feng shui about your website. "You have been very helpful and I want to thank you very much for all your explanations. "
-- Hoa Luong

" Thank you so much for your responses. I'm thrilled to have found y'all. "
-- Deborah

"What I can say! A truly magnificent website! Thank God, I found you! "
-- Joey Lin

" This is the ONLY Feng Shui website that I will ever visit! Your site is TRULY AWESOME! I logged in nearly 2 1/2 hours a day and only covered a fraction of your Advice Forum" Thanks! "
-- Rebecca Lin, Texas USA

"I not only get to learn but also participate! Thanks for all your advice! I never failed to listen in daily! GOD BLESS! "
-- Michael Fox

" What I can say! A truly magnificent website! Thank God, I found you! "
-- Joey Lin

" Thanks for the richness of resources that you have incorporated into this site. It's commendable. I also thank you for answering my previous query on my flat "
-- Vivek Srivastava

" Resources Simply AWESOME! A truly great website! Noting beats IT! "
-- Raymond Dixon Jr

" Today, I have recommended your site to all my colleagues who are interested to learn Feng Shui! "
-- Agnes Yong

" Thanks for enhancing my Feng Shui knowledge. What a Great Website! "
-- Ben Jue

" I have read several books on feng shui, but it was not until I found your web site that I really started to understand it. I have recommended your site to some of my friends as it is very interesting, whether you are considering a career in FS or just have a general interest. "
-- Trudy Allan

Our Talks

" Thanks for the very interesting talk you did at the Rotary Club meeting held at M Hotel. "
-- Wong Pei Wai

" What a practical Master! "
-- Mei Ling

" It was a pleasure spending time to attend your entertaining and enlightening Talk! "
-- Vincent Tan

Unsolicited Endorsement

From: Glyn Hezakiah <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: "Landed" in Singapore
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 19:44:27 +0800
To: Cecil Lee <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>  
Cecil and Robert

I am so thrilled that you have made your stamp on the tiny island. There is so much bullshit out there in FS land, finally I am happy to know that your brand of FS prevails.

The following is a heartfelt endorsement of your success. Should you see fit to publish it on your website please do so.



I have had the absolute privilege of studying Feng Shui under the guidance of Masters Cecil and Robert Lee.

Apart from learning the traditional method of this system, they have also taught me about compassion and humility. These qualities are extremely important in my opinion as we are dealing with people's lives when we delve deeply into their Four Pillars Chart and try assist as much as possible.

Over the years, nothing has been too much of a problem for them in helping me attain the success I now experience.

How I wish they were in down town Perth, Western Australia. I sincerely hope you Singaporeans understand just how very very fortunate you are to have them "on tap". I am originally from Singapore many years ago and I have an excellent understanding of the culture and lifestyle of the Island.

Out of interest, I "monitor" a few Feng Shui "Lists" coming out of Singapore and to say that there is amazing nonsense being proliferated is putting it very mildly indeed. I feel so very sorry for those being "sucked in".

So guys, we are a very lucky bunch of folk to be under the umbrella of Cecil and Robert Lee. I have no doubt reading all the posts that come thru Geomancy Net that you all do appreciate their efforts.

Let me say, this is an unsolicited endorsement and if Cecil and Robert see fit, I can be contacted at my email address which is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Glyn Hezakiah


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© 1996-onwards Geomancy.Net, Cecil Lee & Robert Lee